Grows to 4-5'ht x 6-8' sp
Evergreen, flowers fall through winter and can be used for a border, espalier, mass planting, or in a wooded garden
Shishi-Gashira Camellia is a medium-growing, compact, evergreen shrub. It produces smaller dark green leaves and rose-pink double blooms in early fall. This plant does well in foundation plantings, groupings, and even as specimen plants. Prefers moist, acidic, well-drained soil.
Photo Credit: Heather Kirk-Ballard/LSU AgCenter
Grows to 8-10' ht x 3-4' sp
This upright, white-blooming camellia is a great option as a specimen or foundation plant. Autumn Rocket is an evergreen which does best in full sun to part shade.
Photo Credit: Mr.Outdoor Living & Kiefer Nursery
A small-leaved form with slow to moderate growth. 'Slim 'N Trim' is a very dense plant. This is the perfect plant for confined spaces since it stays very narrow and upright. This camellia blooms a deep rose pink.
Photo Credit: Wilson Bros Gardens
Grows 8-10' ht & sp
Can be used as a border, espalier, mass planting, privacy screen, or wooded garden
Yuletide Camellia is a medium-growing, compact, evergreen shrub. It produces smaller dark green leaves and single red blooms with yellow stamens in the late fall to winter. This plant does well in foundation plantings, groupings, and even as specimen plants. Prefers moist, acidic, well-drained soil.
Photo Credit: Nancy Doubrava